D3a - Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie, Alimentari e Ambientali - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Seat Agraria
A.A. A.A. 2016-2017
Credits 6
Hours 54
Period 1^ semestre
Language ENG
U-gov code LM SAT 3A023


Basic skills in economics

Development of the course

The present module is based on 36 hours (4 ECTS) of lectures complemented by 18 hours (2 ECTS) of practice. Moreover, an ongoing e-learning activity using the Moodle open source platform will be provided. The e-learning activity will include: (i) teaching materials composed by different learning units; (ii) Self-assessment tests; (iii) Cooperating and community-based activities aimed to leverage the training process on communication and e-learning feedback. Finally, consider that this module is strictly complementary to the module of agricultural policy.

Learning outcomes


In this course, firstly you will acquire the fundamental knowledge about the behaviour of agricultural markets. Secondly, a comprehensive framework of the most important microeconomics and accounting concepts applied to the farm management and business planning will be provided during the module.

Applying knowledge and understanding

First, the student will acquire the capability to design a basic business plan applied to the agribusiness. Second, the student will acquire the aptitude to understand an integrated outline of the agricultural economy in the globalization and climate change.


(i) Capability in contextualizing a theoretical framework; (ii) Communication: capability in clearly and exhaustively communicating notions, ideas, problems and technical solutions to interlocutors, either professional or not, representative of the various and specific competencies in agriculture agribusiness (entrepreneurs, engineer, policy makers, biologist, administrators, activists).



Part I – Farm management

  • Farm and decision-making process. Enterprise as a system. Economic analysis of the farm. Management operations and dynamics of the values. Farm and socio-economic aspects. Macro socio-economic analysis. Micro socio-economic analysis. Environmental impact of farm decisions. Enhancing enterprise-wide positive externalities (1.5 ECTS). 
  • Agricultural enterprises and new forms of agriculture. Multifunctional farms. Business strategies. The competitive advantage. Cost leadership and quality. The differentiation. Collaboration strategies. Innovation and agricultural enterprises (1.5 ECTS).

Part II – Business planning

  • Strategic management and innovation farm size and growth. Entrepreneurial ideas. Building of business models. The construction of a Business Plan: marketing plan, production plan, sales plan, financial plan. Evaluating and managing risk (1.5 ECTS).
  • Understanding the time value of money in agriculture; financial reporting; balance sheet equation; revenues and expensive; income statement; cash flow statement; ratio analysis; business plan and decision-making; the problem of liquidity in the short run; the problem of income generation in the long run; exploring entrepreneurship in the agribusiness (1.5 ECTS).

Development of the examination

Learning evaluation methods

Written test: (i) multiple choose; (ii) four optional answers for each question; (iii) true/false answers present candidates with a binary choice: a statement is either true or false.

Oral test: the oral exam is optional for those students who have passed the written test while it is mandatory for that students who had not made and passed the written test.


Learning evaluation criteria

To pass the exam, the student must demonstrate an overall understanding of the content using appropriate technical terminology, and to be able to deal with deductive reasoning that enable him to create links within matter, and to have a complete mastery of the subject.


Learning measurement criteria

The final mark is attributed in thirtieths. Successful completion of the examination will lead to grades ranging from 18 to 30 “cum laude”. The degree of 30 “cum laude” is attributed when the student demonstrates complete mastery of the subject.


Final mark allocation criteria

WRITTEN TEST: 20 (correct answers) * 1.5 (points) = 30/30. The minimum grade to pass the written test is 18/30 (12 correct answers).

ORAL EXAM: if you passed the written test, you can freely decide to take also the oral exam for integrating the score obtained in the written test. On the other hand, if you did not pass the written test you have to take the oral exam. The oral examination consists of three questions concerning the subjects listed in the teaching program; each of ones scores up to 10 points. Moreover, it can be arranged during the course some practical sessions in the form of processed spreadsheet that may contribute to the definition of the final vote (in an amount of not more than 5/30).

Recommended reading


  1. Torquati, B. Economia e gestione dell’impresa agraria. Edagricole
  2. Agliati, M. Amministrazione e controllo nell’impresa agricola. Egea


Tutorial session

Wednesday from 12.30 am to 2.30 pm.

  • C.L.M. - Scienze Agrarie e del Territorio - Curriculum PRODUZIONE E PROTEZIONE DELLE COLTURE (LM SAT - PP)
  • C.L.M. - Scienze Agrarie e del Territorio - Curriculum AGRICOLTURA SOCIALE (LM SAT - AS)

Università Politecnica delle Marche
P.zza Roma 22, 60121 Ancona
Tel (+39) 071.220.1, Fax (+39) 071.220.2324
P.I. 00382520427