D3a - Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie, Alimentari e Ambientali - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Seat Agraria
A.A. A.A. 2016-2017
Credits 6
Hours 54
Period 1^ semestre
Language ENG
U-gov code LM FORESPA W000250


Basics of Geomatics, Agronomy, Ecology, Soil Sciences, Rural Policies and Programs.

Development of the course

The teaching method is based on lectures, supported by Power Point slides and seminars (4 ECTS). Besides, a set of interactive exercises, involving all students as single or in small working groups, are carried out. Students are led in structured activities and discussions for thinking at an integrated management project of the landscape chosen as "case study", where they were brought around during previous guided tours (2 ECTS). The course is supported by a set of e-learning tools trough the Moodle platform. Within this platform: a) teaching materials composed by different learning units; b) materials for the interactive exercises; c) self-assessment tests and right answers; d) suggestions of readings.

Learning outcomes

Knowledge and understanding. The course enables students to acquire: a landscape vision based on international scientific framework and principles  claimed in the European Landscape Convention, methodologies for landscape design inspired at holistic approach and active participation of stakeholders, qualitative and quantitative methods for the chain analysis-diagnosis-prognosis with the aim to understand criticisms and then design integrated landscape projects, also taking in account Italian norms and plans. 


Applying knowledge and understanding. The main aim of this course is to provide the students with a solid skill to design and realize integrated projects of landscape management, from the methodological approach to technical solutions adopted, integrating their curricular knowledge, in particular of Geomatics, with specific knowledge acquired in this course. Collection and treatment of data/information available from cartography, remote sensing techniques, bureau of census, for analyzing the landscape context and do the landscape characterization; to evaluate the main critical conditions of the landscape using diagnostic methods; to define the objectives of the project in order to design an integrated project aiming to solve the critical points, also taking in account  the values and the preferences that stakeholders, directly involved, have underlined.


Cross-expertise. a) making judgements: identify methods, materials and technical solutions in line with topics to face up to through the project, giving special attention at the different working scales; b) communications abilities: clearly and exhaustively communicate, both in writing and verbal form and by using images also, the methodology and technical solutions adopted in the project at interlocutors, either professional or not or other competences, which are involved in the landscape management (engineers, architects, biologists, urban planners, administrators, decision makers, citizens); c) learning ability:  able to perform the analysis-diagnosis-prognosis chain in real cases of study by using an autonomous and creative way of work, by interacting with local stakeholders also.


1. Course introduction. Description of some projects selected from students' works of the previous course. Introduction at the landscape to be studied during the course. Indications about cartographies and other data available for that area (0.5 ECTS).

2. Landscape: Evolution of the landscape concept in Italy and Europe. The European Landscape Convention principles, objectives and practical implications. The landscape as scientific object in the Landscape Ecology discipline: complex system, landscape components, spatial arrangements, functions, reference models, dynamics of transformations, measuring the landscape, metrics, qualitative indicators and quantitative indicators. New Rurality: definitions, urban-rural landscape systems, dynamics of change, analysis and measures of critical aspects. Seminar for deepening (1.5 ECTS).  

3. Landscape management: Italian legislation, plans and programs (Code of Cultural and Landscape Heritage, regional landscape plans (PPR), plans at regional or provincial level (PIT-PTC-PGT), municipal plans; CAP (Pillar I and II). Initiatives at European level. Reference methodologies: Landscape Character Assessment (LCA); Italian experiences: approaches, methods, operational techniques, examples; participative methodologies. Seminar for deepening (2 ECTS).

4. Landscape as a project: guided tour around the study area, interacting with local stakeholders; working groups constitution; collection and treatment of data and information; interactive analysis with the working groups; interactive diagnosis with the working groups; interactive prognosis with the working groups; series of reviews to verify the groups' works in progress (2 ECTS).

Development of the examination

Learning evaluation methods

Oral discussion, which includes the presentation of a project done by the student. During the course, are also available self-evaluation tests (e-learning mode), in order to provide the students with useful information about their skill level.

Learning evaluation criteria

In the oral discussion, the student will have to demonstrate: a) knowledge of approaches and methods to study and to characterize the landscape b) knowledge of laws, plans, policies and programs affecting the management of landscape at national and European level; c) knowledge of reference methodologies and techniques used in the landscape management; d) for what concerns the presentation of his project: a clearly defining of objectives and methodologies used in the work, use of appropriate materials and adequate elaboration techniques, an exhaustive and clear communication of results. To pass the exam, the student must demonstrate an overall understanding of the contents, using an appropriate technical terminology; to be able to design, perform and manage correctly, from the methodological and technical point of view, the analysis-diagnosis-prognosis of a landscape.

Learning measurement criteria

The final mark has attributed in thirtieths.

Final mark allocation criteria

The oral examination consists in two steps: a) discussion of the methodological and technical  solutions adopted in all phases of the project (analysis-diagnosis-prognosis) and about the results shown in the presentation; b) some questions concerning the topics listed in the teaching program. Each of the two parts has evaluated in a range 0-30, the final mark comes from the average value. The degree of 30 “cum laude” is attributed when the student demonstrates a complete mastery of the subject.

Recommended reading

1. Colombo L., 1998. Il metodo in urbanistica. Masson S.p.A., Milano.

2. Fabbri P., 1997. Natura e Cultura del Paesaggio Agrario. Città Studi edizioni, Milano.

3. Farina A., 2010. Ecology, Cognition and Landscape. Springer, Landscape Series

4. Ingegnoli V. 2015.Landscape Bionomics, Biological-Integrated Landscape Ecology, Springer



Tutorial session


Wednesday from 1 pm to 3 pm.


  • C.L.M. Scienze Forestali, dei Suoli e del Paesaggio (FORESPA)

Università Politecnica delle Marche
P.zza Roma 22, 60121 Ancona
Tel (+39) 071.220.1, Fax (+39) 071.220.2324
P.I. 00382520427