D3a - Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie, Alimentari e Ambientali - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Seat Agraria
A.A. A.A. 2016-2017
Credits 6
Hours 54
Period 2^ semestre
Language ENG
U-gov code LM FORESPA W000251


Knowledge of Forest measurement and Silviculture, Forest economics and environmental appraisal, Forest (rural) policy.

Development of the course

The course includes classroom lectures (4 ECTS – 36 hrs) training in computer room and field work (2 ECTS – 18 hrs). Students will be divided in working groups in order to prepare short ppt presentation, comment scientific articles and work in progress on self-evaluation material. Lab and field activities are important part of the course and are highly recommended. The course is available also on e-learning mode on the Moodle platform (https://lms.univpm.it/). 

Learning outcomes

Knowledge and skills. The aim of the course is to provide specific knowledge on ecological forest planning at different spatial scales (from regional to farm): i) main principles of forest planning, ii) planning tools at different spatial scales; iii) opportunities and constraints of forest management to guarantee sustainability e replicability of forest products and services, iv) forest conservation in Europe and in Italy.

Applying knowledge and understanding

This course provides knowledge about forest management planning in accordance with the principles and criteria of sustainable forest management. Students will integrate ecological principles, forest regulations, and management techniques to gain skills on how to analyze and prepare a forest plan at regional and local scale.


The course explores the possibility to apply ecological principles to forest resource planning at different spatial scales. Information and tools for decision making will be analyzed in the perspective of guaranteeing sustainable supply of forest products and services in public, private, regular and protected lands.




Course introduction and international overview of forest planning. Ecological approach participation process in forest planning. Forest resources in the landscape. Forest types classification for management and planning (2 ECTS).

Principles, criteria and indicators of sustainable forestry. Forest planning at national, regional and local scale: tools and regulations. Forest planning and conservation constraints (Protected areas, Natura 2000, HNV) (2 ECTS).

Forest planning of small properties: wood volume, increment and allowable cut determination. Non-wood prodcuts and environmental services. Forest plan structure and maps (2 ECTS).

Development of the examination

Learning assessment methods

The exam includes two parts: 1) group preparation and individual presentation of a topic chosen with the instructor during the course; 2) an oral test about other course topics. Self-evaluation exercises are available on the Moodle course site and can be compiled by students for exam preparation.


Learning assessment criteria

The students throughout the different tasks of the course should demonstrate knowledge and skills: i) main forest planning methods and tools at different spatial scales; ii) a synoptic view of different topics covered and ability to link them at different levels using an appropriate technical terminology; iii) ability to apply principles and methods learned to the process of preparation of ecological forest plans.


Learning measuring criteria

Final grade is expressed in 30th as a weighted average of scores earned in the two parts of the exam.


Final grade allocation criteria

The final mark (expressed in 30th) is a weighted average of the single scores obtained in the two parts. The PPT presentation on the chosen topic shares 40% and the oral test 60% of the final score; the latter is based upon three main questions each graded from 0 to 10.

The exam is passed when both parts have been positively evaluated and students demonstrate an overall knowledge of the subjects treated during the course, exposed in an adequate manner and with a suitable technical terminology and ability of linking different topics. The maximum score (30/30 cum laude) is released to students with excellent knowledge and skills.

Recommended reading

Bettinger, Boston, Siry, Grebner (2008) Forest Management and Planning, Academic Press, p. 360

Corona, Barbati, Ferrari, Portoghesi (2011) Pianificazione ecologica dei sistemi forestali, Compagnia delle Foreste, Arezzo, p. 206


  • C.L.M. Scienze Forestali, dei Suoli e del Paesaggio (FORESPA)

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