D3a - Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie, Alimentari e Ambientali - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Sede Agraria
A.A. A.A. 2016-2017
Crediti 6
Ore 54
Periodo 1^ semestre
Lingua ITA
Codice U-gov LM SAT AS W000581


Basic skills in psychology

Modalità di svolgimento del corso

The course provides basic principles of psychology and psychiatry theory. The teaching method is based on lectures taking dialogue and interactive, supplemented by group exercises. The course is taught with multimedia teaching material support. The course is mainly organized in the presentation and discussion of stories and events of psychological distress and social dysfunction, with a view to help and social integration.


Risultati di apprendimento attesi

Knowledge. The course enables students to acquire the basic theoretical and practical knowledge of Psychology applied to relational contexts, social and innovative processes dynamics. In addition, the course covers the main issues relating to the concept of health in relation to environmental awareness and situations of psychological and social maladjustment discomfort, providing knowledge of social inclusion needs and providing help and social intervention methodologies tools.

Applying knowledge and understanding. The educational objective of teaching is to provide students with knowledge and encourage understanding and evaluation of the major psychological phenomena. In particular, the learning outcomes expected include the refinement of relational skills of help and practical tools in the fields of care, prevention and health promotion, especially for the integration of people.

Cross-expertise. The theoretical knowledge and acquired practices will be of great benefit not only to increase the capacities to relate and communicate effectively with any user, but also to understand the needs of those who express discomfort and to interact with different social workers, for the purpose of inclusive and job growth, smart and sustainable.


1. The development of human potential and the biopsychosocial model

2. Subjectivity, welfare, needs: nature and determinants

3. The multi-problematic family relationships

4. Hoax and conflict in family interactions. Effective communication skills

5. Phenomenology of unease and deviance: risk factors and prevention

6. The dialectic of madness and total institutions

7. The empathy, active listening of discomfort and helping relationship

8. The helplessness, optimism and the development of personal skills

9. The emotional dimension in health promotion

10. Presentation of stories of people and family groups


Modalità di svolgimento dell'esame

Final assessment will focus on an oral assessment of knowledge.


Learning evaluation methods

Oral test throughout the course program


Learning evaluation criteria

Students are required to demonstrate competences and knowledge on all the three parts of the course contents; they also must demonstrate an overall understanding of the course content using appropriate technical terminology, and should be be able to deal with deductive reasoning that enable him to create links within matter, and to have a complete mastery of the subject.


Learning measurement criteria

The exam is aimed at verifying that the student has achieved an overall knowledge of the topics of the course, a sufficiently correct exposure capacity with the use of proper scientific terminology, along with the ability to face deductive reasoning and appropriate connections within matter.


Final mark allocation criteria

The oral exam will be based on three main questions, each of which will be evaluated using a score ranging from 0 to 10 points. the final mark out of thirty is commensurate with the quality of the complainant's papers, considering both the preparation, that the analytical capacity and command of the language.

Testi consigliati


VIGNATI R. Lo sguardo sulla persona. Psicologia delle relazioni umane, Libreriauniversitaria.it, Padova, 2016.


Tutorial sessions: Before the beginning and at the end of the lessons of Tuesday and Wednesday, and by appointment via email (r.vignati@univpm.it).

Corsi di laurea
  • C.L.M. - Scienze Agrarie e del Territorio - Curriculum AGRICOLTURA SOCIALE (LM SAT - AS)

Università Politecnica delle Marche
P.zza Roma 22, 60121 Ancona
Tel (+39) 071.220.1, Fax (+39) 071.220.2324
P.I. 00382520427