D3a - Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie, Alimentari e Ambientali - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Seat Agraria
A.A. A.A. 2016-2017
Credits 6
Hours 54
Period 1^ semestre
Language ENG
U-gov code LIB-L 5A040


Basic knowledge of: biochemistry, food biochemistry, food technologies, chemistry.


Development of the course

The course consists of 4 ECTS (36 hours) of theoretical lessons, and 2 ECTS (18 hours) of practical laboratory activities.


Learning outcomes

Knowledge and understanding:

To achieve adequate knowledge and understanding of theoretical principles and practical parameters of enzymatic processes, for suitable exploitation of enzymes in the enzymatic analysis and in the managing of technological food processes involving exogenous or endogenous enzymes.


Applying knowledge and understanding:

Provide capability to exploit the acquired knowledge toward rational use of enzymes in the fields of enzymatic analysis of food material and of technological food processes involving endogenous and/or exogenous enzymes, for the improvement of both processes and food quality.



Capability of identifying critical points and suggesting best practices at the different levels of production processes to improve the quality and efficiency of food production; capability of clearly communicate notions, ideas and technical solutions to interlocutors of different expertises.


EC Classification. Enzyme kinetics. Kinetic parameters of enzyme performance and specificity. Reversible and irreversible Inhibition. Optimum Temperature, Thermal stability. Optimum pH. Enzyme catalysis. Exploiting kinetic parameters for optimization of enzymatic food processes.

Enzyme extraction and purification; Enrichement parameters. Structure-function issues in enzyme-based food processes: solubility, chemical stability, denaturation, inactivation, engineering. Commercial enzymes. Enzymatic analysis. Enzyme Units. Factors influencing enzyme activity. Direct and indirect Methods for enzyme activity quantitation. Enzymatic methods for quantitation of food analytes. Enzyme modifications of nutritional and flavor characters. Enzymes as markers of food quality. Exogenous enzymes and food processes. Immobilized enzymes. Biosensors. Bioreactors. Eterologous enzymes. Enzymes acting on Carbohydrate,  Protein and Lipid components of food materials; Specificity, applications, sources, safety rules. Oxidoreductase enzymes and food. Perspectives on enzyme-based food technologies.


Development of the examination

Learning evaluation methods.

Oral discussion on the subjects listed in the teaching program.


Learning evaluation criteria.

The student will have to demonstrate sound knowledge on the theoretical and practical parameters for the rational exploitation of enzymes.


Learning measurement criteria

The final mark is assigned in thirtieths. Maximum mark is 30 cum laude.


Final mark allocation criteria

In order to pass the examination, the student will have to demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the subjects and the use of proper terminology.

The maximum mark of 30 cum laude is awarded when the student shows excellent understanding of the subjects, fluency in the subject terminology, and ability to deal with simple problems about enzymes.




Recommended reading

Enzimologia: Dai Fondamenti Alle Applicazioni.  S.Pagani, M.Duranti - Piccin, Padova

Principi Di Analisi Enzimatica. H. Ulrich Bergmeyer, Piccin Ed., Padova

Innovazioni Nell’impiego Degli Enzimi In Enologia, Vitivinicoltura, N.41, 1996

Enzymes in food technology. Whitehurst R., Sheffield Academic Press, UK

Principles of Enzymology for the Food Sciences . JR Whitaker. Marcel Dekker Inc., New York

Biotecnologia: tecnologie enzimatiche. R. Scriban, Calderini, Bologna

Food biochemistry and food processing. Hui Y.H. editor, Blackwell Publishing

Biochemistry of Foods. Eskin NAM and Shahidi F Eds, Academic Press

Biochimica Industriale, Enzimi e loro applicazioni nella Bioindustria, Verga R, Pilone M. Springer




  • C.L.T. - Scienze e Tecnologie Alimentari (STAL)

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P.zza Roma 22, 60121 Ancona
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