D3a - Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie, Alimentari e Ambientali - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Seat Agraria
A.A. A.A. 2016-2017
Credits 6
Hours 54
Period 1^ semestre
Language ENG
U-gov code LIB-LM- 3A120


Students attending the course should have developed scientific and technical skills in agronomy and arable crop production.

Development of the course

The course is based on lessons (ppt lectures) in which the teacher will provide basic information on the topics of the course and will stimulate discussions among the students (4 ECTS). Field visits to experimental stations and vegetable farms located in the vacated territories for vegetable productions of the Marche Region will be part of the training activities (2 ECTS). 

Learning outcomes

The course is aimed to develop the specific skills needed for vegetable cropping system management according to the sustainable agriculture principles and to provide an introduction to the vegetable market analysis and opportunities evaluation.

The main aim of this course is to improve the ability of the students in developing a systemic approach to the factors involved in vegetable crop management and adopting coherent and appropriate technical. Additionally, capability of clearly and exhaustively communicate notions, ideas, problems and technical solutions to interlocutors, either professional or not, representative of the various and specific competencies in the vegetable crops management.



The course is composed of two main parts:

  1. basic principles for vegetable crop production (3 ECTS);
  2. monographic chapters, regarding the most widespread and economically relevant crops in Italy and in the Marche Region (3 ECTS).

In the frame of the first part the following information are provided:

  • relevance of the vegetable sector in the Italian agriculture in term of growing areas and values;
  • main characteristic of the vegetable market at National, European and global level; market strategies;
  • quality criteria for vegetable productions;
  • systems design for vegetable production; open field and greenhouse cultivation techniques;
  • strategies for sustainable fertilisation, weed management, pest and disease control;
  • organic vegetable production.

In the monographic section, the different crop/species will be considered in terms of their relevance in the Italian and in the local scenario, botanical characteristics and ecological needs, cultivation techniques, breeding, quality parameters, harvest technology, postharvest management and processing.

Development of the examination

Learning evaluation methods

Oral discussion on the topics presented during the course.


Learning evaluation criteria

During the oral exam, the students should be able to demonstrate their knowledge of the topics presented during the course, use appropriate technical terminology and apply the learnt information to solve practical problems about the vegetable cropping systems management in an integrate and coherent way.


Learning measurement criteria

The final mark is attributed in thirtieths. Successful completion of the examination will lead to grades ranging from 18 to 30 “cum laude”.


Final mark allocation criteria

The oral examination consists of three questions concerning the subjects listed in the teaching program, each of ones will be quantified in the range 0 - 10. The degree of 30 “cum laude” is attributed when the student demonstrates complete mastery of the subject.

Recommended reading
  • Tesi R. - Orticoltura Mediterranea Sostenibile - Patron Editore, Bologna, 2010
  • Tesi R. - Colture protette - ortoflorovivaismo. Edagricole, Bologna, 1994.
  • Bianco V.V. e Pimpini F. - Orticoltura. Pàtron Editore, Bologna, 1990.
  • Slides, technical and scientific articles on specific topic relevant to the course and other source materials will be provided by the teacher.


Other information

Wednesday 4.30 pm - 6.30 pm




  • C.L.M. - Scienze Agrarie e del Territorio - Curriculum PRODUZIONE E PROTEZIONE DELLE COLTURE (LM SAT - PP)
  • C.L.M. - Scienze Agrarie e del Territorio - Curriculum AGRICOLTURA SOCIALE (LM SAT - AS)

Università Politecnica delle Marche
P.zza Roma 22, 60121 Ancona
Tel (+39) 071.220.1, Fax (+39) 071.220.2324
P.I. 00382520427