D3a - Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie, Alimentari e Ambientali - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Seat Agraria
A.A. A.A. 2016-2017
Credits 6
Hours 54
Period 2^ semestre
Language ENG
U-gov code LM SAT W000056


Basic knowledge of arboriculture, plant genetic, physiology and biotechnology.

Development of the course

Introduction to the major aspects of fruit nursery production, including in vivo and in vitro propagation techniques, breeding and biotechnology techniques for the production of new patent varieties.


Development of the course

The teaching method is based on lectures supported by slides in digital format (4 ECTS), supplied in copies to the students, and experiences in laboratories and fields (2 ECTS). The course is also available in e-learning using the Moodle platform. Within this platform are available: a) teaching materials composed by learning units; b) self-assessment tests and their results; c) information and reservations for field trips educational visits.


Learning outcomes

Knowledge. This course is aimed to give an overview of the major aspects of fruit nursery production, including in vivo and in vitro propagation techniques, breeding and biotechnology techniques for the production of new patent varieties.

Applying knowledge and understanding. The aim of the course is to develop the student ability to know and develop traditional and modern techniques for plant propagation, certification breeding and biotechnology.

Cross-expertise: (i) making judgements: identifying the information needed to know and apply plant propagation systems and breeding and biotechnology tools; (ii) communications: communicate clearly and comprehensively information, ideas, problems and related technical solutions to interlocutors, either professional or not, representative of the various and specific competencies in the nursery and breeding sectors.

  1. Nursery production system and organization. Sources of the genetic material, variety identification and certification, sanitary control system (1 ECTS).
  2. Genetic and physiology of agamic propagation system including cuttings, grafting, bulbs, apomixes, stolons. Factors affecting the rooting process (1 ECTS). 
  3. Quality control of clonal plant propagation related to genetic (chimeric variations), physiological (phenotypic variations) and sanitary factors. Plant in vitro culture and micropropagation (1 ECTS).
  4. Genetic resources, breeding and biotechnology for new fruit varieties. Biotechnology and breeding: aim, technique and selection methods used for the major fruit crops. Patenting and plant variety rights (1 ECTS). 
  5. Breeding methods and applications to fruit trees. Molecular markers and DNA recombinant technologies as integrative tools for creating new fruit varieties. In vitro morphogenesis and application to genetic transformation. Agrobacterium genetic transformation in fruit varieties (1 ECTS).
  6. Rules for patenting new varieties and licences for nursery production. Biosafety rules and risk assessment for the experimental trials and commercial release of transgenic trees (1 ECTS).  


Development of the examination

Learning evaluation methods

The final examination includes a oral exam on the arguments developed by the program. The examination is designed to evaluate the ability to identify and learn to manage a nursery production system, breeding, and biotechnology programs. During the course, there are also going to be available self-evaluation tests (e-learning mode), in order to provide the students useful information about their skill level.

Learning evaluation criteria

The student, during the oral test, will have to prove deep knowledge of the different arguments developed by the course. To pass the written or oral exam, the student must demonstrate an overall understanding of the content using appropriate technical terminology, and to be able to deal with deductive reasoning that enable him/her to create links within matter, and to have a complete mastery of the subject.

Learning measurement criteria

The final mark is attributed in thirtieths. Successful completion of the examination will lead to grades ranging from 18 to 30 “cum laude”.

Final mark allocation criteria

The oral examination consists of three questions concerning the subjects listed in the teaching program, each of ones will be quantified in the range 0 - 10. The degree of 30 “cum laude” is attributed when the student demonstrates complete mastery of the subject.


Recommended reading
  • AA.VV., 2012. Arboricoltura generale, Patron Editore
  • Hartmann H.T. e Kester D.E. Propagazione delle piante. Edagricole
  • Hartmann H.T., Kester D.E., Davies F.T., Geneve R.L., 1997. Ed. 6. Plant propagation: principles and practices. 770 pp.; PB: Prentice-Hall Inc.; Upper Saddle River; USA
  • George E.F., Plant propagation by tissue culture. Technology. Exegetics Limited
  • De Paoli G., La micropropagazione. Edagricole.
  • J. Tromp, Webster A.D. e Wertheim, 2005. Fundamentals of Temperate Zone Fruit Production. Bachuys Publishers BV.
  • Journals: Frutticoltura, Informatore agrario, Colture Protette.


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Tutorial session

Wednesday 10 am – 1 pm

  • C.L.M. - Scienze Agrarie e del Territorio - Curriculum PRODUZIONE E PROTEZIONE DELLE COLTURE (LM SAT - PP)
  • C.L.M. - Scienze Agrarie e del Territorio - Curriculum AGRICOLTURA SOCIALE (LM SAT - AS)

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